Table name: Complete Population Profile, Census Profile, 2021

Document type: Statistical document

Table Id: 19294

Source : Statistics Canada

Region(s) : Aupaluk

Indicator(s) : Children (Education), Aboriginal People (People), Dwellings (Characteristics of Occupants, Housing Stock, Need of Repair, Number of Occupants, Size, Tenure Status, Type, Year of Construction), Education (Educational Attainment, Field of Study, Language, Sex), Households/Families (Size, Type), Income (Age, Composition, Employment Income, Government Transfers, Household/Family, Person, Poverty Status, Sex, Source), Labor Force (Class of Worker, Employment/Unemployment/Rate, Industry, Language, Occupation, Sex), Migration (Age, Citizenship, Immigration, Mobility, Period of Migration, Place of Birth/Ethnic origin, Sex, Visible Minority), Population (Age, Civil Status, Language, Population Counts, Religion, Sex)

Year(s) : 2021

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Published : 2024/03/07